Leash Training

Leash training is training a dog to walk on a leash without pulling or jerking. There are many methods for doing this, such as simply turning and walking the other way when the dog moves in front of the handler, or firmly grasping the leash at the collar and guiding the dog into position beside the handler.

Today, many trainers advocate using a plain collar and leash for leash training rather than specialized training collars, such as slip collars and prong collars. Both of these can potentially inflict damage to a dog's neck and should not be used except in specific cases when recommended by, and supervised by, a knowledgeable trainer. Historically, slip collars have been used as a matter of course, and some trainers still recommend them for basic training on any dog; such collars should be used in a way that makes a quick popping or zipping sound to startle the dog and are then quickly released, not to choke the dog or to put tight pressure on the dog's neck. Advocates of plain-collar training encourage students to ask their instructors to allow them to use plain collars, not slip collars; the techniques for training, however, are slightly different and some instructors might not agree.

However, hard pulling even on a plain collar can damage a dog's neck, so during times when it is not possible to work on training and the dog still pulls on the leash, owners can use a nose halter instead of a collar; these are sold under brand names such as Gentle Leader and Halti. Even these must be used carefully, not for harshly jerking a dog, as they can jerk a dog's head suddenly to the side.

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